⚠️WARNING: Funeral Director John O'Looney Shows Blood Clot Removed From the Beating Heart of a Vaxxed Person!! (full video below)

2 years ago

FULL Version of the Video: https://rumble.com/v1aztpf-longer-version-john-olooney-talks-about-blockages-found-in-vessels-of-decea.html
Embalmers have been finding enormous blockages in the vessels of the dead since the second quarter of 2021. No embalmer or funeral director has seen these kinds of blockages before. They can be so large and tough, that it can be impossible to pump embalming fluid in the vessels without first removing the blockages. Blockages of 2 feet long have been found. They are like castings of the blood vessels.
The blockages are not blood clots:
- The blockages are white, while blood clots are very dark red to black.
- The blockages are rubbery and strong, while traditional blood clots are soft.
- The blockages are found in both veins (mostly) and arteries (sometimes), while traditional blood clots are almost exclusively found in veins.
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