Nicole Kidman Teaching Us To EAT BUGS [Carrying Out Agenda 2030 Part 2]

2 years ago

Early July 2022, this video of Nicole Kidman eating bugs surfaces.
Witch Nicole Kidman sells the zombies on eating BUGS.

Witches have always loved eating this kind of thing, right? Just leave us all out of your disgusting ways!

All the puppet celebrities, one by one, begin to promote the food choices driven by Agenda 2030…


Why are the elites so obsessed with trying to convince you to eat bugs? Here they've enlisted actress Nicole Kidman to sell them to you.

Nicole Kidman, “eat ze bugs with me”

“2 billion people in the world bugs and I’m one of them" — This was 4 years ago, which demonstrates the agenda is set well in advance.

They are really praising and relentlessly pushing meat substitutes.

Part 3 (with Kim Kardashian) coming shortly ….

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