Coffee With Jesus #26 - (REPOST) The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

5 years ago

God is indeed slow to anger and abounding in mercy and love. Can we abuse this patience and fall into entitlement? Here Lana shares a revelation for what we all can do to prepare for the roads ahead.

The original video was broken a few minutes into it. I have re-rendered it and reuploaded it.

We have started a second channel - Lana Vawser FB Videos.
Many people have asked us to upload our FB Live videos to YouTube in an official way. There are other ministries that have uploaded these also, but we wanted to do it in a complete way.

Come and check us out on Lana's website:
Or Facebook

Be careful of fake a Facebook version of Lana Vawser - one group called "Lana vawser Ministries" , and two more called Lana vawser ministries are asking people for money on our behalf. They are fake, and despite repeated reporting as such Facebook have refused to remove them. We don't know where the money goes to, possibly going to a nefarious cause.

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