Keep the Fires Burning | Lot (Session 16)

2 years ago

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Lot was a man full of youth, wealth, and opportunity. He wasn’t so different from many young people today looking to make their way in the world (except maybe for his wealth). However in trying to establish a place for himself and his family, he traded God’s values for the values of the local culture overtime. He became complacent and invited a host of troubles for his future. This lesson is from our series Keep the Fires Burning, a Bible study series of the minor characters of the Bible that can teach us major lessons. Each episode will introduce you to a new character and help you understand why they are mentioned.

Thumbnail photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash
MUSIC CREDITS: Stock Music provided by mv_production, from Pond5

#biblestudy #bible #christian #christianity #podcast #apologetics #minorcharacters #complacency #lot #sodomgamorrah #abraham #christianliving

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