该向谁祷告,耶稣还是上帝?Whom to pray to Jesus or God?

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/vFzMo8bkPN4

2013年2月1日 Originally Posted by finalcall07

信徒们对向谁祷告感到困惑,是向耶稣祷告还是向父神祷告,使用哪个名字,耶稣、耶书亚Yeshua还是Yahshua(耶稣的希伯来文名字)。正因为身处这些困惑之中,人们并不知道他们所信的那一位是谁。造成这种困惑的原因是,人们不认识他们所信的那一位。他们向真空祷告。但保罗说:"我知道我所信的那一位是谁"。为什么呢? 因为耶稣曾向他显现,保罗问:"主啊,你是谁?"他说:"我就是你所逼迫的耶稣。"


如果你没有耶稣,你就一无所有。如果你不认识耶稣,你就没有救恩,因为他在那一天会对许多人说:"我从来不认识你们,你们这些作恶的人,离开我去吧!" 如果你在耶稣面前跪下来祷告,认罪悔改,是耶稣除掉你的罪。如果耶稣是你的主,他会回答你的祷告,但大多数人不祷告。他们的祷告没有得到回应,因为他们不认识他们所信的那一位。




There is a lot of confusion amongst believers about Whom to pray to, whether to pray to Jesus or to God The Father, which Name to use, Jesus, Yeshua or Yahshua and through all this confusion people never get to know the One in whom they believe. The reason for this confusion is that people do not know the One in whom they believe. They are praying into a vacuum but Paul said:"I KNOW the ONE in whom I have believed." Why was that? It was because JESUS revealed Himself to him and he said: "Who are You LORD?" He said:"I am JESUS whom you are persecuting."

Most believers do not know the One in whom they believe. Jesus said that:"My Sheep listen to My voice and they follow Me." How can you FOLLOW JESUS if you don't know His voice? If you don't know Him? JESUS CHRIST is LORD. He is the Way and the Truth and the Life. Jesus and The Father are One. God is not divided, but He who does not have the SON does not have the Father either.
If you do not have JESUS, you don't have nothing. If you don't know Jesus, you don't have salvation because He will say to many in that day:"Go away I never knew you, you who work unrighteousness." It is JESUS who takes away your sin if you fall on your knees before HIM and you REPENT. It is JESUS who answers your prayers, if He is your LORD and your MASTER but most people do not pray. Their prayers are not answered because they do not know the One in whom they believe.
Do you know your LORD? Do you know His voice? Do you listen to Him, do you follow Him? Or do you not know in whom you believe? If you cry out to JESUS, He will answer you. If you seek Him with all your heart, He will reveal Himself to you and you will know whom to pray to. You will know the One in whom you have believed. Have you MET JESUS CHRIST, KING of kings and LORD of lords.
It is time to get to know the LORD.
May Jesus bless you.

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