直接向耶稣祷告(WarningThePeople)Pray Directly to JESUS

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/whXk6V6VkJw

2013年3月7日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

If you would like to message him, his email is warningthepeople1@gmail.com




当我们祷告时,我们应该直接向耶稣祷告。 耶稣本身就是上帝的儿子,他与上帝是平等的。 很多人认为耶稣是一个好先知,认为耶稣比上帝小一点。 许多基督徒对如何祷告感到困惑,认为耶稣可能不听他们的祷告,那 他们应该向天父祷告,还是应该向圣灵祷告,还是, 应该向耶稣祷告呢?

他们把上帝当作是三个不同的神,根据他们向哪个神祷告,他们的祷告会得到不同的回应。这是撒旦的谎言。 上帝是独一的! 我想给你们读一下先知以赛亚对耶稣基督的描述, 以赛亚书第9章第6节,必有一个婴儿为我们诞生,有一个孩子要赐给我们,祂必统治我们。祂被称为奇妙的策士、全能的上帝、永存的父、和平的君。

这是令人惊讶的,因为大多数人不认为耶稣是全能的上帝,永存的父!但耶稣确实与上帝平等。 他不仅仅像你我一样(如果我们被圣灵引导)是上帝的儿子,耶稣本身就是上帝的儿子,他和他的父是一体的! 你真正认识耶稣吗? 他是否真正认识你并认可你的行为? 你与他有融洽的关系吗? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

When we pray, we should go in prayer and pray directly to Jesus. Jesus Himself is the Son of God, and HE is equality with GOD Himself. A lot of people they see Jesus as a good prophet, but they see Him as less than God Himself. Many Christians get confused how to pray, thinking that Jesus might not hear their prayers. Should they pray to the Father? Should they pray to the Holy Spirit? Should they pray to Jesus?

They treat God as if He is three different gods, and depending on which God they pray to their prayer will be answered differently, this is a lie from Satan. GOD is ONE! I want to read to you what the Prophet Isaiah said in regards to Jesus Christ. This is Isaiah chapter 9:6; "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son I given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, Prince of Peace..."

This is astonishing because MOST people do NOT see Jesus as THE Mighty God, Everlasting Father! But Jesus DID claim equality with God. He is not just a son of God as you or I, (IF we are led by the Holy Spirit) are a son of God, but Jesus IS THE SON OF GOD, HE and His Father are ONE! Do you truly know Jesus? Does He truly know you and approve of your actions? Is your relationship with HIM in GOOD standing? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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