Tucker Carlson Cheap Fossil Fuels Difference Between living Central African Republic & Des Moines

1 year ago

July 15, 2022 at the Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center The Family Leader Christian Organization held their annual summit in Des Moines, Iowa. Tickets ranged in price from $39 each for students and military to $75. All 1800 seats sold out. Speakers included were Tucker Carlson, Steve Deace, Bob Vander Plaats, Greg Baker, Dr. Tony Evans, Chuck Hurley, Monte Knudson, Dr. Bill Lile, Barry Meguiar, Tommy Walker, Kim Reynolds, and Chuck Grassley.

Tucker Carlson claims “Cheap energy. Cheap fossil fuels make the difference between living in the Central African Republic and Des Moines. There are other differences...Nothing is that simple, but if you were to isolate the single largest contributing factor to prosperity, life expectancy, a politically placid system….It would be cheap fossil fuels. That’s like why we’re rich. And we happen to have the largest reserve of recoverable oil in the world. And so if the price of fossil fuels in our country, holder of these reserves...The single most valuable natural resource shoots up, that doesn’t simply mean it’s hard for the proverbial guy with one hundred mile commute. It means everything is more expensive. It means you have less autonomy. Gasoline is autonomy. I can get my truck and drive wherever I want. I don’t have to ask permission. It’s freedom, but it’s the basis of our standard of living.”

Speakers at the event included:

Tucker Carlson: Fox News Tucker Carlson Tonight: https://www.foxnews.com/shows/tucker-carlson-tonight
Steve Deace: The Steve Deace Show: https://www.blazetv.com/category/steve-deace-show
Bob Vander Plaats: President and CEO of The Family Leader: https://www.thefamilyleader.com/about/tfl-team-2/
Greg Baker: Executive Vice President Founding Director of Church Ambassador Network for The Family Leader: https://www.thefamilyleader.com/about/tfl-team-2/
Dr. Tony Evans: Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship: https://tonyevans.org/
Chuck Hurley: Vice President & Chief Counsel for The Family Leader: https://www.thefamilyleader.com/about/tfl-team-2/
Monte Knudson: Senior Pastor for Faith Christian Outreach Church: https://www.fcoc.net/leadership
Dr. Bill Lile: Pro-Life Doctor and Gynecologist: https://www.ProLifeDoc.org
Barry Meguiar: President & Founder Meguiar's Car Wax & Ignite America, igniting Christians to ignite America with Revival: https://www.meguiars.com/
Tommy Walker: Founder Worship Leader for Tommy Walker Ministries: https://www.tommywalkerministries.org/
Kim Reynolds: Iowa Governor: https://governor.iowa.gov/
Chuck Grassley: Iowa Senator: https://www.grassley.senate.gov/
Videos will be going up at www.iowaraw.com
# The Family Leader
# Conservative
# No Mandates
# The Iowa Standard
# Chuck Grassley
# Kim Reynolds
# Tucker Carlson
# Tony Evans

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