Keep the Fires Burning | Nadab & Abihu (Session 12)

2 years ago

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Just pick up any recent news headline and you’ll notice that God’s Word and modern culture are rarely in sync. Current Christian thinkers and influencers will disagree on what God’s Word “really means” or even claim that modern cultural mores demand an updated interpretation of scripture. This social media driven phenomenon we see in our day is actually an age old problem. Nadab and Abihu are two characters from the time of Moses that learned the hard way what God thinks about our cultural re-interpretations. This story should serve to us as a warning and as a lesson on what not to do with God’s Word. This lesson is from our series Keep the Fires Burning, a Bible study series of the minor characters of the Bible that can teach us major lessons. Each episode will introduce you to a new character and help you understand why they are mentioned.

Thumbnail photo by Freddy Kearney on Unsplash
MUSIC CREDITS: Stock Music provided by mv_production, from Pond5

#biblestudy #bible #christian #christianity #podcast #apologetics #minorcharacters #culturewars #christianculture #progressivechristianity #socialmedia #interpretations #godsword #christianliving

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