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The Lies Of Transgenderism Is Aimed At The Kids

2 years ago

The Lies Of Transgenderism Is Aimed At The Kids


  • 0/2000
  • Stop watching TeVee and Homeschool. They can't get into your child's head unless YOU let them in.

  • Why does RR use a triangle with an orb (eye) in it as his logo, why does Bannon use a triangle with a radioactive eye in it as his logo and why does the depiction of Jesus behind him have his hand up withthe same hand gesture? I'm legitimately asking why, nit trying to suggest I have the answers.

  • Satan. s work. Moth#$erfuck#ers.

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  • Don't tar all atheists along with these psychopaths ;-). I class myself as atheist but there are different 'levels' of it and it also doesn't mean we have shut off the possibility of a god or creator entity/entities. If I'm provided enough evidence I'll believe. Anyway that aside I can assure you in this cultural unconventional war that we find ourselves in the midst of, that I'm on the side of patriots and Christians. Since the future that these technocrat globalists are offering is indeed a vision of a real life 'hell'.

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