171 - Prophecy Barometer #2 - New World/One World

2 years ago

"This is not 'Conspiracy Theory.' It's 'Conspiracy History'!"
- DAVID ROCKEFELLER, Memoirs, page 405
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." (ie: Covid)
–JAME R. WARBURG, Council On Foreign Relations
"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest."
- STROBE TALBOT, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, TIME Magazine, July 20th, l992
"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."
In end-time Bible prophecy exists predictions of a final world empire among men over which will be history's most diabolical ruler known as the 'Antichrist.' Jesus ... the ancient prophets ... the disciples ... all spoke of him as coming in the days immediately preceding The Second Coming of Jesus to this earth.
The evolution of this global empire is our second Prophecy Barometer of prime indicators that these are the last days prophesied in Scripture. Suitable for group viewings and Bible studies.

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