#172 - Prophecy Barometer #3: Image-of-the-Beast Technology

2 years ago

Revelation 13:15 -- “The false prophet was granted power to give breath to the IMAGE of the beast, that the IMAGE of the beast should both speak and command …"
THE WASHINGTON POST, July 28, 2014 - "With advancements in artificial intelligence, you could soon have holograms of presidential candidates at your door, interacting with you and asking and answering questions.
"DAILY MAIL.COM, May 2, 2014 -"Indian Prime Minister candidate Narendra Modi uses a HOLOGRAM to address hundreds of rallies across the nation at the same time and becomes the world's first hologram candidate to win public office."
Holograms, Virtuals, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robots, Humanoids ... all are elements of a time in Bible prophecy in which a future world leader would have a "replica" of himself ruling in his place. It will look like him, sound like him, act like him, rule like him over a world convinced that "it" is really him (Rev. 13:15-16). Such are the times we are in right now!

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