Prophecy Update July 2022 - Biden & The Supreme Court- Matthew Schanche- Amazing Discoveries

2 years ago

In this episode of the Prophecy Report, we look at the connection between Biden, the Supreme Court, and the Vatican in the making of the “image of the beast”.

The Bible states America will make an "image of the beast" (Rev 13:14,15) before Christ's second coming.
What is it? How will it be set up? Who is behind it? These are vital questions to answer to understand what is coming in the future.

0:00 Comparison of the presidency of the two Roman Catholic presidents: JFK and Joe Biden. Evidence the Roman monarchy has successfully invaded the US government.
5:58 Who rules the world? Is it the secret societies, Gnostics, cabalists, or sun worshipping cults? Or is it the man of sin?
6:45 Checklist of Man of Sin qualifications.
7:04 Why the way Biden talks about the Pope should ring prophetic alarm bells.
8:35 Where are we in the stream of time? Who should we be watching? China? Russia? Prophecy review of the two beasts of Revelation 13.
10:04 How the false worship system of Revelation 13 will be brought upon the world. The two great final errors.
10:15 Role of Protestant America in setting up the image of the beast.
12:10 What is the image of the beast?
12:40 How the image of the beast is being set up.
13:21 Real world data on the Supreme Court. Religious demographics of Supreme Court justices.
15:14 Conclusion: The demographics of the Supreme Court justices clearly reveal the trajectory and outcome for America’s future.
16:12 Discussion of the Constitution’s “no religious test” clause.
17:30 The Supreme Court make-up shows a bias toward a world view that has a history of being the biggest enemy of individual liberties and rights.
18:37 Rome’s claims as a civil government. Quote from Romanism as a World Power, 1921. Understanding this issue is key to seeing how the US will create an image of the beast.
20:37 Historical perspective of the Vatican government. Quote from Brownson’s Review, 1858: It is the intention of the pope to possess this country.
21:29 What the Catholic Church says about their constitution, teachings, and the nature of its government. Quote from Archbishop of Wisconsin, 1921. Spiritual and temporal power given by Christ into the hands of the bishops.
22:12 Historical Protestant position. Quote from judge, Gilbert O. Nations.
23:10 Quote from Thomas Aquinas on the divine right of the Pope as supreme king of the world.
23:27 Claims of the Pope as a civil ruler: loyalty from his subjects, authority over all governments.
23:57 What if this were another country? How would American citizens feel about the exercise of such powers by another foreign state on American turf?
24:19 Not just in America: Other countries led by Catholics.
24:29 Weighing the evidence leads to this conclusion: A covert usurpation of sovereignty by a foreign power is in progress under the guise of democracy.
24:46 How Protestants will work to change laws and restore the lost ascendancy of the man of sin.
25:00 Roman Catholic Supreme Court justices. Quartz article shows that the shift from its Protestant origins to a Roman Catholic majority is “indicative of a takeover of the nation’s institutions.”
27:16 Evidence points to an intentional takeover by Jesuits, leading the US to make an image to the beast, through politics and industry.


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