Truskowski Kept Trying to Stab Me to Death by Doc Yeager

1 year ago

After being born again for a while, I perceived in my heart that I needed to reach out and witness to the gang I used to run with right outside of Chicago. We were not a gang in the sense that we had a name or any entrance rituals that we had to go through. We were just a group of young men who were constantly involved in corruption, drinking, fighting, using drugs, stripping cars, and doing other things too horrible that I will not mention. One day, I was sitting in a car between the two instigators of most of our shenanigans, Gary and Claire. Both of these men were very large and quite muscular.
I had fervently shared Christ with them and the others to let them know how much God had changed me. They sat around drinking, using dope, and cussing while I shared the good news with them. I explained I was on a heavenly high that drugs and the world could never take them to. Most of them just stared at me, not knowing how to respond. They all had known the old Mike Yeager. The crazy and ungodly stuff that I had done. They had seen me many times whacked out on drugs and alcohol. Now here I was a brand-new creation in Christ preaching Jesus with a deep and overwhelming zeal.
Now Gary who was one of the principal leaders was different in many negative ways from the other guys. He was like a stick of dynamite ready to explode at any moment.
On Amazon: Miraculous & Amazing Acts of God’s Protection: 60 True Stories of Divine Protection

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