Melbourne Protest Rally - 23 07 2022 - Part 9 of 9

1 year ago

Pictured is heartless power hungry simon pitzen on a power trip.

Heartless simon pitzen sergeant trying to move people along by being over bearing trying to be like a "BIG SHOT" even while he sees and knows something happening with one of the Drummers.
Then again and then again and again this power hungry low live simon pitzen goes from human to human to try and instigate a situation by literally getting into the face of another and getting closer than cm away, human steps back a bit while low life ( such n such ) simon pitzen sergeant comes closer on his power trip and refuses to step back trying to instigate a situation.

As the decent human makes steps backwards low life scum simon pitzen continues approaching closer and closer to intimidate and harass and exercise abuse of power to the peaceful non violent human by getting within cm again of the human to try and create a situation - Im sure low life scum simon pitzen was trying to create yet another violent encounter.
Look and watch how close he moves his feet and his body to exercise dominance and intimidation over the humans.

Then the rodents get called and they stop harassing and intimidating some of these humans and scatter to go up the steps of parliament and to the side.
A few moments later the rest of the rodents leave.

Do they ( the Criminals in Costumes ) seriously absolutely have no heart and no soul and no compassion and no understanding what so ever in any shape - way or form what it means to be an actual human ?
Are they really that far removed from being human ? are they reptiles with a deep fake covering ?

When those Criminals On Patrol go home to their dog or cat, or poor unfortunate family to have them as a son / father / brother, What shame or pride do they go home knowing or telling their family that they helped crush someone's head into the road and possible dislocated peoples arms as they yanked people up by an arm, and pushed forcefully to the ground and pushed innocent bystanders into other police officers who they themselves pushed the innocent bystander with all their force into the ground and into others and dragged others off by the scruff of their clothing and dragged them along the road and then just dumped them there without a thought onto the road and then went and pepper sprayed others on the other side of the road and other such abuses - do these criminals actually get off on exercising excessive abusive power over innocent people ? what must their family think of them abusing people so heartless and violently ?

Do they kick and abuse in other ways their family and pets ?
Do they pepper spray their family and pets ?

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