New Research Says Vertical Solar Panels Have Improved Performance

1 year ago
Published3 days ago
Researchers in Germany claim vertical solar panels may be better than horizontal solar panels. Typically, solar panels are mounted horizontally and oriented toward the south to get maximum exposure to the sun as it travels across the sky. Instead of lying flat, they are angled at between 20 and 35 degrees, depending on how far from the Equator they are located. There are complex mathematical formulas that tell solar farm developers the precise angle the panels should be mounted at in Pensacola, Peoria, or Penticton. There are tracking systems that can move the panels during the day to follow the sun, but they are expensive and need regular maintenance.
But what if conventional wisdom is wrong? Researchers at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences claim that mounting bifacial solar panels with one side facing east and the other facing west would produce more renewable electricity and reduce one of the side effects of traditional solar energy farms — an abundance of electricity at midday and not enough in the morning or afternoon. Their study was published in the August, 2022 edition of the journal Smart Energy.
Another advantage that flows from mounting solar panels vertically is it allows room between them for crops to grow without the need for tall mounting systems that allow farm machinery to operate underneath.
“Bifacial solar panels can use solar energy from both sides. Installed in an east-west orientation, most electricity is generated in the mornings and evenings. This would reduce the need for electricity storage and at the same time keep the space required for electricity generation low,” says Sophia Reker of the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences and the first author of the study. The researchers base their research on a simulation of the German energy system usi
Expanding Renewable Energy Policies In Germany
With Germany facing severe curtailment of methane supplies because of Vladimir Putin’s criminal attack on Ukraine, the German government enacted new policies this month to make the country less dependent on energy imports and reduce carbon emissions. The policies call for the share of renewable energy to be increased from just under 50%, where it is today, to at least 80% by 2030.
“Bifacial solar modules are somewhat more expensive than conventional solar systems. But as they increase the number of hours of available solar power, other electricity needs such as gas-fired power plants are reduced. Installed vertically, the solar systems can easily be set up on agricultural land. This creates additional earning opportunities for farmers and increases the area potential for renewable energies in Germany so much that we would only have to import a small amount of additional energy,” says Jens Schneider, Professor of Networked Energy Systems and co-author of the study.
Solar panels installed on agricultural land can support the growth of certain crops by protecting the crops from wind and heat. Flower strips for more biodiversity are possible directly under the modules. So-called agri-photovoltaics are to be particularly promoted in the future as a result of the federal government’s new legislative package, the researchers suggest.
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