Human Life-Extension Breakthrough with Victor Sagalovsky

2 years ago

Come be with us on the 20th of August – in person or by livestream – to learn about this significant breakthrough that could have a profound effect on the “new human.”

More info here:

Victor will be describing the relatively recent research that has surprisingly found that all of the drinkable water on this planet has an elemental component – an isotope of hydrogen – that is literally a poison! It’s twice the size of the regular hydrogen atom that makes up water but when this isotope – deuterium – binds with oxygen it becomes heavy water. You may have heard of heavy water. It is a component in nuclear bombs. It’s not good for humans.

If you reduce the deuterium in the water in your body, wonderful things happen. You have more energy, you have better health … and you live longer! It’s an extraordinary breakthrough!

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