2022 07 28 Thursday meeting

2 years ago

Fr. Kalish teaches from his thesis Creation vs The Words of Man
Creation Thesis-July 28, 2022-Notes for Discussion
Please p. 29 (bottom) to p. 35 (bottom)
We have been reviewing Darwin’s Theory and its consequences:
1. Material forces only have produced species, over countless years (p. 24, middle)
2. Natural selection only is the agency (see quotation, p. 26, top)
3. Death and extinction is the only remedy for those who are losing the Struggle for Life (p. 26,
4. The marvels associated with advanced animals and plants (e.g., the mammalian eye) are
produced only by the “unerring skill” of natural selection (p. 27, top)
5. Man is the only competitor left alone from this entire order. (p. 28)
6. Races of man indicate that only one race is supreme (p. 28, 29).
7. The new science, eugenics, will be the only means of controlling unwanted races (p. 29)
8. God, and everything associated with Him, are only the products of natural selection (p. 29)

Let us remind ourselves that all the above are built only upon conjectures (see footnote 39, p.
25, bottom).
This new Theory, coupled with the scourge against Scripture of Higher Criticism, had an untold
effect upon science and culture until this very day, in which we live.
We now will be turning to two men, Bp. Samuel Wilberforce and Louis Agassiz, who attempted
to stem the tide against evolution. There were enormous forces rallying in opposition to the
Scripture, because, among other things, the Church until that point had preeminence through
Scripture over the hearts and minds of all men. The diabolical Plan to ruin the Church might be
like this: 1, if science wins over the accounts of Genesis, through Darwin’s new theory, which
posits “deep time” to work; 2, if the theory is generally accepted, so that neither “death” nor
“sin” never existed, prior to man’s fall; 3, if Bible can be proved fallacious on multiple counts;
4, then either the Old or New Testament can’t be trusted at face value, and, if one is going to ac-
cept it on some level, it must be accepted allegorically, rather than historically or literally.
“Jesus saves!” Christians all believe this today, as they always have. But His last enemy, death (1
Cor 15:26), must be poetic, even though through Adam, all died (vs. 22). Christ, being the great
Savior, connecting the effects of the consequences of the fall with the everlasting life promised
by God in Scripture by His crucifixion and resurrection, is vastly reduced to meaningless.
Although the Church coopted almost completely accepted the theory, today, a very, very small
force of dedicated scientists and faithful scholars faithful to the Scriptures are waking up spiritu-
ally to the true nature of things
at hand.

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