Sweet pepper seedlings: one month too early!

4 years ago

Last year Stan started pepper and tomato seeds inside in March. That was fine for the tomatoes, but the pepper plants were a little late in comparison. He wanted to plant them a few weeks earlier this year. However, somehow he got ahead of himself; he went and bought potting soil and new seedling containers--3 of them, I think, with 36 compartments each. And then, even though it was mid-January, he planted all of the sweet pepper seeds. All of them. watered the potting soil on the bottom, but not on the top. Pressed the seeds into the soil just slightly with his finger. Put the plastic cover on top and a Seedling heat mat (plugged in) underneath. He thinks it will be ok, that he has ways of slowing them down. He's the gardener, so I have faith in him!

This is just a 30 second video--we'll check back on these peppers later when they've grown a bit. The next stage will be to leave the lid off, put them under grow lights, and then re-pot in bigger containers with more soil.

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