Gangstalking voice to skull technology electronic torture and harrassment

1 year ago

Gangstalking voice to skull technology torture Australia Sydney with direct energy attacks and mind control basically human being control from fags straight out of the satanic order of psychopaths they can send smells through your nose shut of you're voice box manipulate you're dreams voice make your mind talk while U sleep so whatever they want U too say they can Implant it send it artificially induced from the technology into you're mind so whatever they want into say is said while U sleep manipulate you're dreams replace thoughts rewire you're thinking rewire you're mind control you're biometrics make U sneeze make U cough make U aroused turn it on turn it off that is some odd the sick shit these sadistic sick pieces of shit do on the daily to me the evidence is everywhere if U want to find it U have no control of you're body but they can't completely get to U if you're mind is open U know what is going on even after all this sick control U can see through the bs and see what they are doing feel what they are doing Sense what these sick fucks are doing there in constant fear is what I've noticed they constantly talk about running to call someone because they can't get to me they get gangstalking mind controlled idiots to come and harrass me and police to do the same to try to scare me they are in constant fear and forever plotting like bitchez to slander U on some unbelievable sick shit they come up with 24/7 it's sick there up all hours running sick deeds sticking frequencies up my ass sending there ass smells through to my nose because there fucking each other there homos the two guys that do the gay torture in my head because there groomed this way it's a feature that I hear alot from Targeted individuals the same story that the guys are homosexuals and get off on doing this from the technology so they are having sex with one another 24/7 all day and night while doing the shit they do to U hard to believe what I'm saying if U aren't targeted and getting the full voice to skull shit and stalked but I know now reading other story's of targeted individuals a guy name Jeffrey madore from Canada gets the same shit constant attacks to the genitals and rectum all day and night and he speaks on the men being groomed as homosexuals I know for a fact too these clowns are under deep mind control just like the gangstalkers to do there job the mind control on them is more potent then what is being done to Targeted individuals but these clowns love what they do there in the game.because they love being dirty Kuntz while trying to slander us target as the crazy sick dirty whatever other bs they come up with these fuckerz are I'll know one stays up 24/7 with no sleep high on meth and whatever else there definitely on shit this is a fact and tortures U and harrassment gay talk I call it gay torture because these are days torturing U and the gangstalkers are the same they follow u around like they want you're ass new name is gaystalking being stalked by gays there alot more that happens but get the picture a whole big gaslighting psyop of deceit and lies jealously hatred fuckory it's a game of sickness bought upon the universal beings that are us we aren't like everyone else we don't think like everyone else like said on Jason Carter's podcast on my other video upload empowered individuals

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