🍒 A Good Dose of Here 🍓

2 years ago

🍒 A Good Dose of Here 🍓

🦋 Montreal, Quebec ⚜️

3 Day Weather Forecast:

Lots of Spraying and blocking.
Heavy Rain and Sever Thunder with a 3% chance of catching a Rainbow
🌈 🌈🌈 at 7:55 pm again.

#globalnewsmontreal #globalnewsto
#tvanouvelle #montrealgazette #citynewsmontreal #cjad800 #lejournaldemontreal #GlobalNews #RebelNews #mtlblog #Justice #Montreal #Quebec #LavalPolice #MontrealPolice #freemasonry #BackTheBlue #iluminati #OntarioPolice #corruption #parentalalienation #missing #Daughter #FlatEarth #thunderstorm⚡️#Canada #thorloveandthunder #rainbow 🌈

Meeting #38
I’m never late.
July 26, 2022.

I’m going to be shining.
My body is full of lightning ⚡️

I’m coming for all of you.
You were all warned.

The Universe speaks to me.

I listen.

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