Antahkarana MIND CONTROL Operation Warp Sp33D 666

2 years ago

OCCULTIC ANTAHKARANA CONNECTION Battle for the Mind in Spell-Casting over COVID mRNA Injections ‘Signs and Symbols rule the World, not Words nor Laws.’ -Confucius.

The purpose of this study is to consider the Occultic Logo of the Operation Warp Speed that former U.S. President Trump rolled out to fast-track the acquisition of ‘vaccines’ for COVID-19. Since the official announcement was made in May of 2020, many who study and are familiar with the Esoteric and Occult Symbols and Numbers immediately recognized the Hidden Symbology of the Occultic Logo used for this Military Operation, the Antahkarana. The question was rightly posed as to what such a Religious Symbol is doing on such an endeavor and what it means, or does it have hidden nefarious cryptic significance? The answer is yes. One has to consider that at this worldwide level of operations, the ‘Signs and Symbols’ chosen and used are like the saying that it is like a ‘Picture is worth 1000 Words’. First, the following is a background of what Operation Warp Speed is, where they got the name, and what it constitutes. Then the meaning behind the Antahkarana will be explained to show that there is a clear-cut nefarious undercurrent that explains why they chose this specific symbol. In retrospect, one is not surprised at such a choice as it just reinforces the Luciferian ‘Signatures’ of those behind the scenes that tag their Property, Resources, and ‘Great Work.’
2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony a Ritual for the COVID-19

It was a PLANDEMIC to inject you with Eugenically Modified, Highly Sophisticated Designed Bioweapons to Exterminate NON-JEWS, plain and straightforward. THAT"S just pure facts.

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