DLO Live! Ep. 41 Night Vision: Photonis PD PRO 16M

2 years ago

It has been a while since I've done one of these, so I plan to leave a lot of time for the Q&A.
I'll talk a little about Night Vision in general and Photonis' PD PRO 16M in particular. I also plan to discuss how good current state of the art digital night vision technology is and what we should expect in the foreseeable future.

Post show notes:
I got my Photonis monocular from Brookes Precision. While John is working on getting his website up, I set up an e-mail for him: brookesprecision@darklordofoptics.com Send an e-mail there if you need to get a hold of him. I do not have any business or financial interest with Photonis or Brookes Precision. Just helping a friend.

The first hour and fifteen minutes was discussion of Night Vision in general and Photonis in particular.
After, we switched gears to tall about prismatics.
https://youtu.be/6AOKafmjcBg?t=4422 Prismatic discussion preceded by a couple of minuted on imaginary horse sized ducks

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