10 COMMANDMENTS- ARE THEY FOR TODAY?🔥Important Message✝️📖 #share #bible #grace #law

2 years ago

The Ten Commandments, short version:

1- You will not have other gods before me.
2- You will not make idols.
3- You will not take the name of the eternal God in vain.
4- Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
5- Honor your father and your mother
6- You will not kill
7- You shall not commit adultery
8- You will not steal
9- You shall not speak false testimony against your neighbor
10- You will not covet .

🔺️ #share this video for the encoragement and edification of everyone.

Bible Prophecies are all being fulfilled!
This is the Last Generation.

JESUS CHRIST is the only way to Heaven. Turn to HIM before it is too late. We are not promised tomorrow.
Hell and Heaven are real places.

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Obeying our Heavenly FATHER is what I live for.
All for HIS Glory.
Matthew 6:33

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