If We Had More Of This PSA 01 (20120B)

5 years ago

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The first of a series of PSA's I'm working on called If We Had More Of This. It is meant to show what would happen if we had more activities in the world like recreation and retail. And what impact they would have on local communities and daily lifestyles. It is also meant to encourage those young and old as well as millennials to want to go out and make a difference in their community and enjoy the better things in life rather than just sitting around and doing nothing and staying on the internet all day.

Always remember to support your local brick and mortar retailers and local recreational facilities. Encourage your local leaders and politician to inspire entrepreneurship and try to bring in more local retail, recreation, and other important facilities into your region. And always remember. Retail Lives Matter.

#IfWeHadMoreOfThis #RetailLivesMatter #SupportLocal #ShopLocal #ShopSmall #PleaseShare


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