Future with astrology & Accessing Soul Memories From Our Star Alignments with Becca Bee # 76

2 years ago

Discover your Galactic blueprint and access the messages in the sacred geometry of your Soul. Keys for Re-Activating Star Lineage memories, Ancestral Coding, and Earth History in your DNA. Re-remember your Divinity with tools for healing the traumas of your souls’ cycles so you can live your highest purpose now.

Becca is an interdimensional guide and teacher, and for over 25 years, has been helping souls
access and awaken the memories locked in their DNA records. As an experiencer and
abductee, her abduction experiences have opened her to remembering different ships, races
, and levels of understanding of the hybrid programs. Through her personal experiences, and
through the sessions of those guided to her, more and more records of our galactic history
have been revealed. Together with Arcturian, White Mantis, Andromedean, Lyran, and Sirian
Avatar aspects of her soul, she has incarnated to help others dissolve the veils of the mind
matrix and empower them to remember and reclaim their divine rights and angelic human
DNA heritage. www.withBecca.com
# meet tina on youtube.com, # Becca Bee, #human design, # astrology ,

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