2 years ago

When are more people going to step up and defend these POLITICAL PRISONERS! If I had more influence, I would be screaming from the mountain top about this injustice! I will do what I can now, but this is absolutely disgusting! They are making these innocent people examples so we never try to question a democrat INSTALLMENT again! And let’s not forget how many times the left stormed capitals during Kavanaugh protests, tried to break down the White House gates during BLM riots, and recently tried to break into the capital of Arizona!
Now this poor 69 year old woman is facing 60 days in prison for PEACEFULLY PROTESTING, when 1000’s of violent BLM rioters get to roam free! Over 17 people died in the first 3 weeks of their protests! How come we NEVER hear about their trials!! Did their killers even get arrested?! I am so sick of the double standard. 

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