DABAN 8814 ARF Powered Red & 150 Gerbera Extension Parts - # 170 Review

4 years ago

德班 8814 Powered Red & 150 Gerbera 快速組裝 - 玩具模型分享第一百七十
Somehow I accidentally deleted the open box, and parts count videos and few other things :( Parts fit are tight and need a lot of cleanups. Fingers joints a bit too lose. A couple of coats of Tamiya Clear to the joints does help the fingers to stay in position. Backpack and shoulder thrusters keep falling off, and I give in and glue them in place. Building instructions come by email in PDF format. The decals are great, but I do wish the PDF comes with decals instructions. Overall, I like the finished model, especially the katana sword handle. It is a kit on its own. I bought the kit just for the handle anyway. Imagine if the kit comes with a full sword blade :D

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