10 Healthy Foods For Your Kids

1 year ago

Nuts & Seeds
All nuts provide a great source of healthy fat, Seeds and nuts provide significant amounts of fiber, micronutrients, PUFA, and phytochemicals. Nuts are high in magnesium, a mineral that's crucial in bone development and energy production. There are many different types of nut butters in the store such as almond, cashew, and sunflower. These can be used on toast for breakfast, on a sandwich for lunch, or with celery and apples for a fun snack.

Pulses and legumes
Pulses are affordable, environmentally friendly, nutritious foods with a long shelf-life. In particular, they are excellent sources of protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and phenolic compounds and can prevent and control chronic diseases They can also work as a prebiotic and benefit the gut bacteria. Pulses and legumes can be an essential food group for children and teens on a vegetarian or vegan diet.

You may consider popcorn a junk food, but it’s really a nutritious whole grain. Most people may not think of popcorn as healthy but it’s a great high fiber whole grain snack.

Avocados are an easy way to get healthy fats into your child's diet. They are high in monounsaturated fats, which decrease inflammation and keep cholesterol levels healthy. Most kids would enjoy avocados as a dip or spread on whole grain toast or an English muffin. You can also add it to a sandwich or burger.

If your child is open to salads try mixing in raw spinach with lettuce for the base. Add spinach to a sandwich or quesadilla. It also works well mixed into a pasta dish or soup.

Raw or cooked leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach, collards, provide umpteen nutrients and bioactive compounds for good health. Encourage your child to consume a cup to two cups of fresh, leafy green vegetables a day to enjoy optimum benefits from its nutrients

Yogurt is a wonderful option for breakfast, a snack but you have to watch the added sugar content Yogurt is a great way to get in calcium, protein and vitamin D. However, be careful with the ones marketed to kids

Watermelon is a summer favorite that is a good source of fiber and beta carotene which the body turns into vitamin A. Watermelon has lycopene content. Lycopene is an antioxidant that is good for heart health and reduces the rate of asthma attacks.

Sweet Potato
Babies and sweet potatoes are a perfect pair! Not only do they contain nutrients to help your baby’s eyes grow and develop, but they also contain vitamins and minerals those tiny growing bodies need to hit their milestones on time. Most kids will enjoy baked sweet potato fries or try them mashed for a family favorite side dish

Eggs also make a great starter food for babies. Doctors used to recommend not giving eggs until babies were 12 months old, but research now shows that introducing allergenic foods between 6 and 12 months might help prevent food allergies.

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