Need to Know News (28 July 2022) with Carl Herman and Principled Organic Vegan

1 year ago

Liz Cheney going down hard in Wyoming. Nobody likes her. Brandin vs, Biden? New video suggests they are using multiple body-doubles. The US sold 6 million barrels of oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China, which is our political and economic competitor and enemy. Mitch McConnell has assisted Sen. Schumer to pass a massive spending bill and been stabbed in the back thereafter. Tucker calls out the sham of the January 6th inquisition. Lionel Nation enumerates a lot of the absurdities of the present moment. Alex Jones speaks out against the "show trial" to which he is being subjected, which is parallel to the one that I had to endure. The proof that Sandy Hook was a hoax is massive and compelling, now including a photo of "Noah Pozner", who is supposed to have died at the age of 6, celebrating his 8th birthday with a cake and 8 candles. My blog has been taken in an act that appears to be improper, unwarranted, and even illegal, where you are now directed to the Dane County Circuit Court files for the case. Read my Motion for Reconsideration and Motion to Stay to see why I am convinced this was an aggressive and successful attempt to make content about Sandy Hook unavailable to the American people during the Alex Jones' trial, when the public interest has peaked.
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Here's the pilot passing away on the Indonesian airplane:
13:08:24 From Principled Organic Vegan to Everyone:
13:23:04 From Principled Organic Vegan to Everyone:
13:23:52 From Principled Organic Vegan to Everyone:

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