Testing 5760x1080 Star Citizen (Doubt This Will Work At All)

4 years ago

Just for a laugh, trying to stream Star Citizen from my triple monitor setup. I normally get 30fps in that format. I just have to try anyways.

RESULTS: At low settings, getting about 15-20 fps and gameplay is VERY choppy. After a while, I got disconnected. Still, I am surprised that this worked at all.

THE GOOD: It worked! I monitored the stream on my iPhone.

THE BAD: 15-20 FPS made it unplayable, and I didn't bother going anywhere that would drop my FPS even more (im sure some areas I'd get a 1FPS slideshow)

THE UGLY: Disconnected from the game. Likely a connection issue, my internet has been poop lately. CPU at 100% for most of this and my normally quiet super computer sounded like a vaccuum cleaner. Also, the resulting stream video on Youtube came out wrong. the video doesn't fill the screen at 5760x1080. It is condensed down to the center of the resolution, as if it were playing on the center monitor only.

Despite the underpowered GPU I am using, the test WORKED and most of it's failings seem to be due to either YouTube's streaming service, my OBS studio settings or a combination of the two. If I can work out the kinks, I will definitely be looking to upgrade to a GPU that can handle the load.

I may try again with half the resolution. There are too few Youtube streams out there for a three monitor setup, and I aim to make some great content for a 5760x1080 or similar setup.

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