5G Protest, Christchurch, New Zealand.

4 years ago

This is a video showing some of the 5G protest in Cathedral Square, Christchurch, New Zealand. It was pieced together from footage supplied by Irinka Britnell and myself. The 5G issue has little media exposure due to censorship and have been told by the telecommunications companies that it is safe when there is plenty of peer reviewed scientific evidence dating back decades that show conclusively these electromagnetic frequencies in this microwave region are a type of radiation that definitely has some deleterious effects on living organisms, is used as non-lethal weaponry, cooks many peoples food and the 2.45 GHz 4G and 3G are already known to be harmful. It is important we do not add to the soup of radiation surrounding us with more transceivers emmiting harmful invisible rays to wireless devices.
If you haven't already and are a concerned citizen please sign some of the relevant petitions and educate yourself about the studies and research done that proves cumulative exposure to low level radio frequencies at these wavelengths is harmful to living things and has been linked directly to causing cancer, tumours, neurological disturbances and many, many other illnesses.

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