Liberation of Earth from Evil

1 year ago

Liberation of Earth from Evil

March 9, 2022

(Watch the Vimeo video)

Jesus, may Your strength arise in us and our hearts soar with Your grace. Amen.

"Do you see beloved, how very necessary your prayers are?" Blessed Mother began, "This is not going away so easily. The Lord Himself is not allowing it to go away. He is bringing it forward, this is not just a time of wars and rumors of wars, this is part of the liberation of earth from evil. From here on out it will get more intense.

"This is a time of mercy and forgiveness before the reordering of the earth for the millennial reign. Everything that happens from here on out is part of the earth's purification. Yet there is great mercy for the sinful, if they will acknowledge their sin and receive healing. Clare, my daughter, so many do not believe in sin. This is a foreign word to them such as people from another century were familiar with, but having no bearing on this century.

"Holy Spirit is hard at work, but so many are blind and deaf. Pray their eyes and ears are opened and for all still on earth, this is a very important prayer, and some are catching onto the fact that the earth is undergoing tumultuous changes, even as spoken of in Matthew 24, and that this is indeed the end of days. Times are coming very soon where the events will themselves testify to this truth. But those who have scorn and contempt will still refuse to believe. Pray their eyes and ears are opened.

"Your time is coming, do your best to make sure no opportunity for grace is missed. Stand fast Clare, you are being strengthened daily to carry this cross. All of you should pray spontaneous prayers, "Lord, open their eyes and ears to the truth." This is where conviction will come from.

"My children, do not pray in vain, growing weary from the repetition, rather use that repetition to cover the whole world praying from your heart, of self-sacrifice for each place revealed to you in your mind, which is the place that you see visions, whether they be from you, from the enemy or from Heaven."

As is written in Matthew 7:9-11, "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!" Amen!

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