Ep. 5174 – Daniel McAdams on the Failure of the Juan Guaido Coup in Venezuela – 1/24/2020

4 years ago

Daniel McAdams talks to Scott about the failed attempt to oust Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in favor of opposition leader Juan Guiado. The U.S. government has made many claims about the illegitimacy of the latest elections, and has blamed the country’s current crisis on Maduro’s failures. Really, says McAdams, this is just another example of America’s State Department making false claims and conveniently exploiting existing problems to push their chosen political narrative. Fortunately the attempt seems to have failed completely, with Guaido’s support virtually gone. Sadly, says Scott, many libertarians fell for this narrative as soon as it was positioned as “socialism vs. capitalism”.

Daniel McAdams is the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and the co-host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report. Follow him on Twitter @DanielLMcAdams and read all of his work over at Antiwar.com.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/1-24-20-daniel-mcadams-on-the-failure-of-the-juan-guaido-coup-in-venezuela/

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