Take These Few Simple Steps NOW!

2 years ago

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Moving forward and instead of regurgitating the same mundane about who’s doing what, let’s take a moment and talk about a few simple steps that we all need to take. Take these few simple steps NOW! No matter which area of the world you’re residing in or whatever your personal thoughts are these simple steps apply to us all. There are times when decisions are subjective and there are times when they’re not, they’re collective. The points I’m talking about in this video sway towards the latter. They affect everyone.

Those who’ve been with us for any length of time, know I’ve never been one to panic or try to gain clicks by the use of fear porn. In the past whenever I brought up subjects like prepping or stocking up it’s been on a very relaxed basis. I’d mention casual phrases like “you may want to consider” or “think about this for a minute” but always they’ve been something mild in nature.

This time it’s different. The urgency to act now centers around an impartial apophatic peeling the onion type of research. To gather our results as a group we branch out in different areas of interest. All four of us pay for our own memberships to several private sources. These include both Human and nonhuman resources (AI).

Cut to the chase here’s what we (Mentors) are now confident has to happen. From all existing angles at this point in time there are no other pathways remaining open. It’s now unavoidable, extreme civil unrest and warring between nuclear armed nations will occur. We can promise you one thing. Just as the past two and a half years have been, this too is being staged. The propaganda is relentless.

In the present I see so many are confused, they’re scared. I receive hundreds of emails from those not seeing a future for them or their children. Even though this is entirely false the propaganda has its affects. On a closing note, here’s an additional statement that is 100% watertight. A world consisting of a myriad of broken citizenries is no match for what lies directly in front of us all. Take these simple steps NOW! Until next time, Barr in DR.

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Are you looking for a change? Perhaps you’re thinking about expatriating, opting out for a simpler lifestyle. Maybe you’re concerned about the direction your nation is currently heading in and just want a plan B that includes an exit strategy. The reason doesn’t matter because the answer remains the same. Click https://www.somethingfeelswrong.com/tour-information/ and begin taking the first step towards your own excursion. See for yourself if our little area might be the right fit. Both the Something Feels Wrong website and YouTube channel a must for anyone considering a move outside of the US, Canada or Europe.

Hash Tags:
#sanctions, #russia, #europe #causeandeffect, #war, #westernnations, #oil, #uranium, #motive, #deception, #divideandconquer, #revolution, #politicalparties, #governmentdebt, #prepping, #cabrerard, #dr, #northcoast, #mariatrinidadsanchez, #caribbeanisland, #caribbeanlifestyle, #Cabrera, #barryindr, #rd, #costanorte, #islacaribe

Music: Artist: Audionautix, Title: Straighty Baby http://audionautix.com

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