KIN 71: BLUE RHYTHMIC MONKEY (6 CHUEN) 28 JULY 2022 | Mayan Tzolkin Calendar

2 years ago

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KIN 71: BLUE RHYTHMIC MONKEY (6 CHUEN) 28 JULY 2022 | Mayan Tzolkin Calendar

Happy New Moon in Leo. We also have the Sun in Leo doubling the fiery energy of our Lion Nation of the New Lemuria.
Jupiter also goes retrograde today at 8 degrees of Aries, as the acceleration of expansion continues through our Ascension.
Kin 71 the mirror of the 17 (the Q of Source the Quelle, the Quantum Field) creates an 8:8 Portal synchronizing with the LionsGate on Aug 8th.

I ORGANIZE in order to PLAY
Balancing illusion
I seal the process of MAJIK
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!

full transmissions and transcriptions:


Join our Tribe of Eagle and Condor at:

Big Welcome and much Gratitude to our newest supporters on Patreon!!

Erica B.
Shaheera A.
Georgia C.
Carolyn C.
Amber N.
MaryAnn M.
Janna M.
Paulina M. V.
Nancy D.
Nicole T.
Malachi M.
Myra S.
Micheila K.
Taya J.
Gina Gaia Sun C
Mrs Susanne

thank you to our tribe members for raising your pledge this month:


new Tribe members go here for our teachings and trainings:


Magical, Schumann Resonance, Ascended Master, Rainbow Warrior, Lemuria, Sisterhood of the Rose, Wayshowers, Lord Ashtar, Shiva, Shakti, Saint Germain, Pleiades, Freedom, Transformation, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event, Great Awakening, I Am, Love, New Earth, Starseed, Omega, Eagle and Condor, Hieros Gamos, Gaia, Alchemy, Divine Feminine, Paul White Gold Eagle, Quantum Leap, Enoch, Shaman, Revelation, Ascension, Source , Arcturus , Arcturians , Bodhisattva , Ascension, Music of the Spheres, Power, Purification, Rose Heart Activation, Galactic Center , Prime Disclosure, Solar Flash, New Moon In Leo

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