CCRS 7-21-22 RT GL Kerpen Bradley Milloy

2 years ago

Phil Kerpen is the Founder and President of American Commitment. He is also President of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity which was founded by Steve Forbes, Steve Moore, and Art Lauffer. Phil will discuss a recent study that the Committee to Unleash Prosperity did which may explain why the Biden administration seems so completely under qualified and inept when it comes to all things in the economy. Phill will also discuss the latest iteration of Biden’s boondoggle program Build Back Better that has failed several times, but keeps coming back.

Brian Bradley is the Associate Editor for MRC's Free Speech America and MRC Business. Prior to this position, Brian covered several business topics in our nation’s capital, including education, trade, and defense. Brian will discuss a new study that the MRC has conducted that shows how frequently the media is censoring conservatives and how it not only effectively silences voices, but it blocks the millions of potential listeners from hearing ideas and thoughts that they should be able to access if they want to.

Steve Milloy is the Founder of Steve is also a senior legal fellow with the Energy and Environment Legal Institute. He is also a former member of the Trump Presidential Transition Team that focused on environmental and regulatory issues. Steve will discuss Biden’s attempt to classify hot summer weather as some sort of climate emergency which will only exacerbate current economic and energy woes. Interestingly, Steve points out that a NYT’s polls found that the public is simply not that concerned about, or interested in, Climate issues.

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