CCRS 6-16-22 RT GL Bill D'Agostino Thomas Savidge

2 years ago

Bill D’Agostino — is the Media Editor for NewsBusters as well as a Research Analyst for the Media Research Center's News Analysis division. He previously worked as a video editor for a production studio in New York. His work has been featured on Fox News, Drudge Report, the Daily Caller, and other conservative outlets. Bill will discuss the latest on (1) the laughably partisan Jan 6th hearings — which appear to be the Democrat’s only election strategy for the midterms and it doesn’t appear to be working; (2) the current state of run-away inflation and the stagnating economy; and (3) the culture war — specifically the trans issue.

Thomas Savidge — is the Research Manager of the Center for State Fiscal Reform at ALEC — American Legislative Exchange Council. Thomas researches and writes on state tax and fiscal policy. Savidge earned his Masters in Public Policy from George Mason University and his Bachelors in Political Science and Philosophy from State University of New York at New Paltz. Thomas will discuss $8.2 trillion of unfunded public pension liabilities that you and I are on the hook for. That translates to $25,000 for every single person (man, woman and child) in the United States. Part of the problem is states that employ woke, uber liberal political goals rather than sound financial and investment goals. So they get weak returns on their investments that no one would actually investment their own money in.

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