Interview 264 with Michael LaRiviere

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The Subject of Direct Democracy
Michael LaRiviere
• Born in Rouyn – Noranda, Quebec
• Raised in the Pembroke – Petawawa area
• Attended Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario, Honour Student
• Attended Toronto School of Business in Ottawa, Ontario and obtained Two Diplomas: Honour Student in Business Management and Administration, and in Accounting
• Obtained three different Airline Transport Pilot Licenses from around the world: Canada; United States and Indonesia
• Worked for Capital Air Surveys Ltd as a pilot-navigator to produce photogrammetry worldwide.
• By 1993 I graduated to Captain on the Boeing 727 and flew this aircraft all over North America, South America, throughout the Caribbean and throughout Europe.
• I began taking an interest in politics in 2008 after being furloughed during a mass lay-off and needed answers to many questions I couldn’t get from main stream media.
• The answers offered by the corporate media just didn’t make sense. I knew I wasn’t going to get the truth from them, so I turned to books written by investigative journalists. From those informative books I learned inside information on the workings of American foreign and national policies and how it was done. It was a motherload of information I was not initially prepared for. I learned from the political system being practiced in Switzerland that they practice “DIRECT DEMOCRACY” (DD). I studied it and it all made sense. We have relinquished too much authority to a handful of politicians who duped us to enable them to rule over us. It has proven to be disastrous for the working class. We must offer this alternative to the public to capture their imaginations where a future worth having is still possible. Imagine, having a real and effective political voice. Imagine the possibilities!
• We cannot salvage this system, structured after the Magna Carta, devised by King John of England in the year 1215. It was devised with corrupt intent and to save his neck while still holding onto power. The masses were duped then, just as we continue to be now. For the past seven years, I have been crying out ‘Direct Democracy’, but the word is not circulating fast enough. Everywhere we look, we see how our present political system fails us as Canadians. It will require Canadians to become enlightened and then it will need them to feel confident in wanting to adopt Direct Democracy.
• There are Pros and Cons on every subject but, with Direct Democracy as a political structure, the Cons look feeble at best when (DD) is described correctly, what it does and how it works.
• Changing political allegiance from one political party to the next, when they all follow the same political theme has not fared well for Canadians. Is it any wonder when they’re all based on the same deceptive concept; when they’re all based on fraud and dishonesty? Being ruled by someone different has never changed political or economic fortunes for Canada and Canadians. What we need is a political party that is dedicated to adopting DD. Then, from the moment of establishing a political majority in that dedicated political party, a referendum would be held so Canadians can determine whether they want DD. Canadians need to begin their debut in making the laws in Canada via referendum. If Canadians say ‘Yes”, then Canadians will have started a true and real democracy on every proposed law from that day forward.
• There is much more to this generic description than what is laid out here and that is why this subject will be an interesting topic for discussion.
• My research and answers will lay to rest all the negative circulation that has been touted by the ruling class when talk of replacing our current political system has been raised. I look forward to the opportunity to do just that!
• Blindly following authority is the greatest enemy of truth,
Albert Einstein.

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