Deep State Plot to Make Newsome President, Who Will Then Pardon the Bidens

2 years ago

But wait!!!
This will NOT actually work for the Deep State, although it is no doubt what they are plotting. The idiots.

The end to this story is absolutely beautiful...

Their plot is to pay Kamala big money to take-on another role aside from VP, then Branden brings in Newsome (ala Nixon and Ford) "totally constitutionally", then Branden tells the world he is stepping-down (ala Nixon AGAIN), and voila Newsome is President!... who then brings in Hillary or Abrams or??? as VP.... all set to run in 2024!!

And if that weren't bad enough, Newsome's first act as President is to pardon/exonerate Branden and his whole family (along with Obama and Hillary and anyone else who's quaking in their boots at this point).

How scary is all that!!!!!

BUT HERE'S THE THING!... Once the Supreme Court and enough States decertify the election, then the world will know Branden and Kamala were illegitimate, which means Branden was never President, which means that whomever he appointed as VP or anything else was also illegitimate. Which means whatever the Deep State news outlets will want everyone to believe was "all constitutional", NEVER ACTUALLY WAS. So, whatever Newsome does, including trying to pardon Brandon etc., will also be recognized as illegitimate, null and void.

I can't wait to watch this all play-out... although I'm sure it'll get bumpy for us all.

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