NATO Bolshevik Liberal Democracy at War w/ Conservative Christian Orthodox Russia!

2 years ago

NATO Bolshevik Liberal Democracy is at War w/ Conservative Christian Orthodox Russia! Talk includes Khazar Ukraine & Israel aka the Whore of Babylon (& Their Pimps at NATO). Their Judgements has begun by God's Anointed Blessed Putins Orthodox Russia, Lebanons Hezbollah, and The Medes aka Iran. The Kingdom of God is near.

I cover World politics especially in the Middle East thru the eyes of Orthodox Christian Eschatology from a Real Semitic Middle East Christian & Expose the Usurping Imposter Fake Semites. Please Subscribe, Like & Help SHARE or UPLOAD To Any Countries Social Media Sites & Search Engines Much Appreciated. Comments welcomed below. Please include your Email for any Media contacts. God Bless All who are the True Children of the Light Exposing those Liars who are at War against God and are Wolves in Sheeps Clothing.

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