WHO monkey pox health emergency to force people to comply and cover up VAIDS autoimmune disorder vaxx injury

1 year ago

The UN World Health Organization announced last Saturday, July 23, 2022 , for the health emergency for another sc@@m-demic mon-key pox and International Pand3mic Tre@ty and the new draft treaty will be completed within next 3 weeks. They are doing this to declare International health emergency all over the world and punish those who refuse to comply. So the countries who refuse the mandate from WHO, they will be punished for refusing to comply and they also who decided who will get the venom bite- bioweapon and treatment or when they will get them, WHO also want people to have digital global ID and passport system and Regional Emergency Directors for the global complying. All these stuffs are leading to 7 years tribulation period. The time frames could start 2023 for the NWO agenda 30 for the year 2030 , you see 2023 plus 7 years tribulation is 2030

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