Bitcoin Busts through $10,000! - Bad News For Thursday, Feb 13

5 years ago

The Bitcoin bulls appears to be large and in charge as the world’s most popular crypto pushes through the $10,000 barrier. Many alt-coins are along for the ride. And Tom Lee sees a summer high that will get you excited.

Apparently the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has had the backdoor to one of the world’s major encryption systems since World War II. Trump’s new budget would make crypto crimes investigatable by the Secret Service. And Justin Sun finally gets his lunch with Warren Buffet.

It’s a stacked show for those who like to stack sats. Or pancakes. Because you can pour syrup on stacks of pancakes and they are delicious. Grab your knife and fork and take a seat at the table.  This is our Bad News episode #369 of The Bad Crypto Podcast.

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If you'd like to donate a bit of cryptocurrency to The Bad Crypto Podcast, feel free to send copious amounts to the following locations:

 $BTC: Bitcoin:3GMgCH4dFUHSLdrPnLwEsfKPVnLnoGbzGZ
 $ETH Ethereum:0x1ccE8A04fa6743eD1D24cA063c7543D43B42F328
 $LTC Litecoin:LavXqTWVHebEgVhBXdg3Hue3xEAmgtxLgr
 $DOGE Dogecoin:  DMngvNMX1U8Sg8PkDjCC3UTS8Mmn9RqTP5

Do your own due diligence and research. Joel Comm and Travis Wright are NOT FINANCIAL ADVISORS. We are sharing our journey with you as we learn more about this crazy little thing called cryptocurrency.  We make NO RECOMMENDATIONS. Don't take anything we say as gospel. Do not come to our homes with pitchforks because you lost money by listening to us.

We only share with you what we are learning and what we are investing it. We will never "pump or dump" any cryptocurrencies. Take what we say with a grain of salt. You must research this stuff on your own! Just know that we will always strive for RADICAL TRANSPARENCY with any show associations.

Show Edited By: Aaron The Tech( )

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