Ukraine Kills 66 Russian Troops l Putin Captures Vuhlehirsk Plant l Lavrov-Blinken To Speak Soon

1 year ago

Ukraine confirms that Russian forces have taken over the Vuhlehirsk plant, Ukraine’s second-biggest power facility. Russia is also conducting a “massive redeployment” of troops to occupied Kherson and partially occupied Zaporizhia regions. Experts say Putin is wary of Ukrainian forces planning a massive counteroffensive in the south to liberate occupied regions.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian military claims it killed 66 Russian troops and destroyed 5 Russian strongholds in the south. Putin ally and Russia's Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, published a map where Ukraine is divided into parts. .Friends if you liked the video, click on +, add comments and optionally subscribe to new publications and news !!!!!!! channel link: . Video source:
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