Corona Virus, Channel News, Viewer Q&A ...Texpat in Saigon (News)

4 years ago

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NOTE: I made an error in traffic statistics in the video. The correct numbers from 2018 were:
8,200 deaths, 14,800 injuries. The number in the video was from a report that estimated total road accidents, including accidents that did not cause injuries or death only damage to vehicles or property. It's still too many. Good stats for 2019 aren't out yet, but preliminary stats looks as if they have done better.
Here's what's happening on the channel. Upcoming videos, New from Saigon, New DWI laws, Corona Virus, Upgrades for the editing room. Hope you will watch and check out the channel.

**Check out my other YouTube videos at**

Thinking of Heading to SE Asia?

I'm an expat living in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. I'd like to share my experiences with you. My videos might help you have a better experience, anticipate what to expect or encourage you to get out of that Lazyboy and head this way.

My videos are snippets of life, but I also am happy to discuss SE Asia with you by email.

Email is welcomed at

A lot of my video is shot within 5km of my house in the Tân Phú district of Ho Ci Minh City (Saigon). There is a lot of activity here.

The videos are representative of everyday life and challenges in the city for retired expats. My goal is to help those looking for another life to see what it's like in this wonderful SE Asian country. My hope is that you will visit Vietnam and just maybe you will enjoy it as much as I do. Some of the videos are just for fun, some are about the differences in the cultures.

I will also be adding some videos about my time in other SE Asian countries.

I hope you SUBSCRIBE to my channel and enjoy the videos on my channel.

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