Ep. 5180 – Sheldon Richman on Trump’s New Apartheid Vision for Israel/Palestine – 1/31/2020

4 years ago

Sheldon Richman discusses President Trump’s new “Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People,” which is really just an update of last year’s “Deal of the Century.” The plan presents itself as generous and fair, but really, says Richman, it simply codifies much of the settlement and annexation of Palestinian land that Israel has been engaged in for decades, and would create what in practice would be an apartheid state. Richman says this plan is, for the most part, probably a ploy to paint the Palestinians as unwilling to cooperate after they inevitably refuse. Indeed, Palestinian authorities have thus far not even been involved in the negotiations.

Sheldon Richman is the executive editor of the Libertarian Institute and the author of Coming to Palestine and America’s Counter-Revolution: The Constitution Revisited. Follow him on Twitter @SheldonRichman.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/1-31-20-sheldon-richman-on-trumps-new-apartheid-vision-for-israel-palestine/

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