Diamonds are NOT rare, just marketed and lied about to shame us to buy them. Genius and tragic both.

2 years ago

Those who control the money, the banks, the corporations, the media, created an iconic marketing slogan in the 1940's that make it expected for someone to go into debt to purchase diamonds.

Diamonds are COMMON, it is just that they are hoarded by those who control the mines and marketing to make you believe they are rare and so valuable.

Total bunk and genius marketing. There are countless warehouses of stored diamonds, kept in the dark so you, the sucker consumer, will pay ridiculous prieces for a WAY overpriced stone.

Just another chapter of our brainwashed minds being manipulated by the Deep State to further enslave us and have us pour untold wealth into their pockets.

You want to do something that signifies love for an engagement ring? Buck the trend and get semi-precious stones or jewels - save a ton of money and more than likely that stone you buy will be scarcer then diamonds - which are common, just hyped as being rare.

Source of the video clip: The Awakened Species telegram channel: posted 7/14/22

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