Russia Says They're Fighting the Army of the Antichrist, Covid-Bioweapon Sworn Testimony, Devolution

1 year ago

Biden, the DNC, Big Pharma, and Ukrainian Nazis are scheduled to be prosecuted as War Criminals before an international tribunal for the development and use of bioweapons. The court'll be located in the now liberated Donetsk People's Republic. Upon a guilty verdict, the severity of the Crimes Committed renders the use of military force a police action and therefore is justifiable under international treaty and law.

A growing number of nations with substantial militaries are accusing the United States of violating the Convention on Biological Weapons. A military stand-off is inevitable.

Doctor Flemming has sworn under penalty of perjury that Covid-19 was an engineered bioweapon and will testify in court.

A court's given a Doctor the go-ahead for a "private" prosecution of the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

The Commander of the Chechen Forces declares they are warriors of Jesus who are in a "Holy War" against the Army of the Antichrist. And he's a Muslim, this is #Biblical

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