Quiet Man- Cari Dell original song (Official Music Video)

2 years ago

Lyrics are below: Song is available for download at www.caridell.com
Quiet Man- Written by: Cari Dell October 13-14, 2019 copyrighted 2019
Quiet man lives alone
Inside his head where no one knows
The thoughts he shares he shares alone
Quiet man only you understand

Quiet man never says a word
But deep inside he longs to be heard
He’s lost his voice he’s made the choice
Quiet man only you understand

Quiet man can read you mind
He sees the signs in the blink of an eye
He’s old and wise he can empathize
Quiet man only you understand

Quiet man your not alone
I feel your pain and your heart of stone
You have a voice if you make the choice
Quiet man only you understand

Quiet man never sees himself
He lives his life through someone else
Quiet man come out of your shell
And find a way to love yourself


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