现在就停止犯罪(WarningThePeople)Stop Sinning Now

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/l6kPXhVb6wY

2014年5月2日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople


If you would like to message him, his email is warningthepeople1@gmail.com




今天几乎所有的基督教会,以及去那些教会的基督徒们相信:直到死,你不可能停止犯罪,只有死后才可能。 他们相信死后你会得到一个新身体,死后生活里才可能不犯罪......你只有在死后的世界才会变得完全。 他们认为,(只要你还在肉体中)就不可能停止犯罪。 他们相信这一点的原因是他们属于撒旦,他们不属于耶稣。 如果他们属于耶稣,他们就会停止犯罪,因为他们会有耶稣的爱在里面, 他们会解决的罪的问题,因为圣灵会让他们知罪,他们会选择行出公义,而不是犯罪。 哦,他们喜欢说他们是 "因着恩典得救......" "而不是靠停止犯罪的行为......" 他们非常喜欢这么说,但这完全跑题了,因为他们只喜欢抓住恩典,却不喜欢顺从耶稣。 他们所宣扬的恩典福音是不存在的。 如果你继续任意犯罪,你就会灭亡。 只有那些真正悔改和顺服耶稣的人才能得到生命。

我想给你们读一下耶稣对法利赛人说的话,也是对今天选择继续犯罪的 "基督徒 "说的话。 我想给你们读这段话。 约翰福音第八章,我从第31节开始读。耶稣对信祂的犹太人说:“你们若持守我的道,就真是我的门徒了。 你们必认识真理,真理必叫你们得到自由。”他们说:“我们是亚伯拉罕的子孙,从来没有做过奴隶,你为什么说我们可以得到自由呢?”耶稣说:“我实实在在地告诉你们,所有犯罪的人都是罪的奴隶。 奴隶不能永远留在主人的家里,只有儿子才可以。 所以,如果上帝的儿子释放了你们,你们就真正自由了!(约翰福音 8:31-36 当代译本)

如果耶稣从罪中释放了你,你就真正从罪中得自由了!但是,如果你今天听到这个信息,你称自己是基督徒,是耶稣的门徒,但你仍在犯罪, 朋友,你仍然是罪的奴隶,你会在你的罪中灭亡,除非你悔改。 我想读一下耶稣在这里说的话。 他说:

“我知道你们是亚伯拉罕的子孙,但你们却想杀我,因为你们心里容不下我的道。 我所说的,是我从父那里看到的,你们却照着你们父的话去做。”他们说:“我们的父就是亚伯拉罕!”耶稣说:“你们如果真是亚伯拉罕的子孙,一定会做他所做的事。 我把从上帝那里听到的真理告诉你们,你们反要杀我,亚伯拉罕绝不做这样的事。 你们是在做你们父所做的事。”他们说:“我们不是从淫乱生的!我们只有一位父,就是上帝。”耶稣说:“如果上帝是你们的父,你们一定会爱我,因为我来自上帝。如今我在这里,我不是凭自己来的,而是上帝差我来的, 你们为什么不明白我的话呢?因为你们听不进去我的道。 你们是出于你们的父魔鬼,你们乐意顺着它的私欲行。魔鬼从起初就是个杀人凶手,从不站在真理这一边,因为它心里根本没有真理。撒谎是它的本性,因为它是撒谎者,又是撒谎者的始祖。 所以,我讲真理的时候,你们不信我。 你们谁能指证我有罪呢?我既然把真理告诉了你们,你们为什么还不信我呢? 出于上帝的人听上帝的话,你们不听上帝的话,因为你们不是出于上帝。”(约翰福音 8:37-47 当代译本)

你看,今天许多人自称是耶稣的门徒,许多教会自称是主的教会,他们自称基督徒,但他们并不是真正的属于耶稣,他们并不是上帝的儿女,因为他们还在继续犯罪。他们的父实际上是撒旦,因为他们像撒旦一样撒谎,并且他们也像撒旦一样犯罪。他们行出邪恶而不是良善。他们虽然装作是耶稣的门徒,但他们的父是撒旦,他们的父是魔鬼。你要么选择悔改停止犯罪,与耶稣和好,并且与他一起解决问题,行出圣洁,要么,你就是一个假冒的信徒,一个假信徒。虽然你自称是基督徒,但其实你在撒谎,因为你的父是魔鬼。因为你在宣扬说你不能停止犯罪。而且你还为你的罪辩护。这是邪恶的。你要么悔改顺服耶稣,照着他的吩咐去行,要么,你继续向恶人一样生活,继续驶往地狱,因为你选择不悔改。今天你的心真的与耶稣同在吗?还是,你就像那些法利赛人 , 以魔鬼为父?愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Almost ALL of the Christian churches today, and the Christians who go to those churches, they believe that you cannot stop sinning until you die and enter the afterlife. They believe in the afterlife you get your new body, and in the afterlife it is impossible to sin... that you will be perfected ONLY in the afterlife. They believe it is impossible (as long as you are in your flesh) to stop sinning. The reason WHY they believe this is because they belong to Satan, they do NOT belong to Jesus. If they belong to Jesus they WOULD stop sinning because they would have the love of Jesus in them. They would address their sin problem because the Holy Spirit would convict them, and they would choose to practice righteousness, NOT sin. OH, they LOVE to say they are "saved by GRACE..." "It's not by the works of stopping sinning..." They LOVE to say that. But it is a BIG diversion, because they love to hold onto grace, but they DON'T like to OBEY JESUS. And THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE GRACE GOSPEL THAT THEY PREACH. If you go on sinning willfully you WILL perish. Only those who truly repent and obey Jesus find life.

I want to read to you what Jesus said in regards to the Pharisees and in regards to the "Christians" today who choose to go on in sin. I want to read to you this passage. This is John chapter 8, I'm starting in verse 31. "Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him; 'If you abide in My word you are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.' They answered Him. 'We are Abrahams descendants and have never been in bondage to anyone, how can You say; "You will be made free..."' Jesus answered them; 'Most assuredly I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave to sin, a SLAVE does NOT abide in the house forever, a SON abides forever. Therefore if the SON makes you free you shall be free indeed.'"

If Jesus has set you free from you sins you are free from sin. But if you are hearing this message today and you call yourself a Christian, and a disciple of Jesus but you are sinning. FRIEND, you are STILL a slave to SIN, and you will perish in your sins UNLESS YOU REPENT. I want to read on what Jesus says here. He says;

"'I know that you are Abrahams descendants , but you seek to kill me because My word has no place in you. I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you do what you have seen with your father.' They answered and said to Him; 'Abraham is our father'. Jesus said to them; 'If you were Abraham's children you would do the works of Abraham. But now you seek to kill Me, a man who has told you the TRUTH which I heard from God. Abraham did NOT to this. You do the deeds of YOUR father.' They said to Him; 'We are not born of fornication, we have one Father, God.' Jesus said to them; 'If GOD were your Father YOU WOULD LOVE ME, for I proceeded forth and came from God. NOR have I come of Myself, but HE sent Me. Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil. And the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning and does NOT stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie he speaks from his own resources for he is a liar and the father of it. But because I tell the truth you do not believe Me. Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell you the truth, WHY do you not believe Me? He who is of GOD hears God's words. Therefore, you do not hear because you are not of God.'"

See, most people who claim to be disciples of Jesus today, who call themselves "THE CHURCH", they call themselves "CHRISTIANS" they don't really belong to Jesus, they are NOT the children of God because they continue to sin. Their father is literally Satan because they are liars like Satan, and they continue to sin like Satan, they practice what is evil, NOT what is good. They pretend to be disciples of Jesus, but their father is Satan, their father is the devil. Either you choose to REPENT STOP SINNING, and get right with Jesus. Work things out with Him. Practice what is Holy. Or you are a make believer, a fake believer and you SAY you are a Christian but you lie because you father is the devil, because you preach that you can't stop sinning. It's to justify your sins, and that is wicked. Either you repent and obey Jesus and do as HE commands, or you continue to live like a hellion who is on your way to hell because you choose NOT to repent. Is your heart today REALLY with Jesus? Or are you like the Pharisees who had the devil as their father? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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