Recipe no. 26. 6 vegetables tartare

2 years ago

A new recipe EVERY DAY. The recipes are all Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") legal. French Dr. Seignalet put 91 chronic, so called "incurable" diseases into remission with his diet which among other things advocated eating raw as much as possible. He said that as we are all sedentary now we only need to eat animal protein once a day. This ties in nicely with an earlier therapeutic, lifestyle diet: "Food Combining". One of the tenets of food combining is do not eat concentrated protein (fish, meat, nuts, eggs) at the same meal with concentrated carbohydrate.

So my recipes are all either carbohydrate and veg or protein and veg. This one is a carbohydrate meal although there are no real concentrated carbohydrates in it. The celery root (celeriac) is very rich in prebiotic fibre. So very good for your colon. It's also very filling. The calories come from the olive oil used in the dressing.

The Seignalet diet and my recipes are part of my protocol to reverse the dangerous (and I believe deadly) effects of the mRNA "vaccine". You can see the rest of the protocol on The billionaire class have decided that with automation and robots, we are now surplus to requirements. The covid pseudopandemic is a depopulation scam. If you have been jabbed, your cells have been turned into a spike protein factory, damaging your immune system and micro blood clots are damaging the endothelium, the lining of your blood vessels, and the blood/brain barrier. There is a new medical term, "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome". People are dying from strokes and heart attacks. Use my protocol, including the Seignalet diet to reverse the effects and get the spike protein toxin out of your body.

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